Media News Page: 39

This is page 39 of the media news archives.

The NSA Spying Scandal Deepens (2005-12-20): The New York Timesreports that the NSA Eavesdropping scandal just got bigger: the NSA eavesdropped on phone conversations which took place entirely within the United States, clearly violating the secret program's own rules which required that one person on the phone conversation be outside of the United States.

Bush Admits He Ordered Warrantless Eavesdropping on American Citizens (2005-12-17): In his weekly radio address today, President Bush admitted that he ordered the National Security Agency (or "No Such Agency" as it is widely known) to spy on American citizens without first obtaining a warrant.

PennWell Acquires Small Times Magazine (2005-12-16): PennWell Corporation has acquired Small Times magazine, a business publication covering nanotechnology, MEMS and microsystems.

Revelation of Surveillance of U.S. Citizens Spurs Patriot Act Defeat (2005-12-16): The New York Times reported today that President Bush personally authorized spying on U.

Novak Says Bush Knows Who Leaker Is (2005-12-15): Conservative columnist Robert Novak declared in a speech this week that President Bush knows who leaked Valerie Plame's name to reporters, blowing her cover as an undercover agent.

Plamegate Resumes (2005-12-12): The Associated Press reports on the latest twist in Plamegate.

New Study Finds Internet Makes People Feel Empowered Politically (2005-12-08): A new study (PDF file) done by the University of Southern California's Annenberg School Center For the Digital Future concludes that people feel increasingly politically empowered by the Internet: Even though it's a slow-loading pdf file, this one is worth a read.

A Sea of Red Ink in Iraq (2005-12-07): Today, decorated war hero and congressman John P.

Condi's World Tour Hits a Snag (2005-12-06): The Financial Times reports on Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's world tour, which has been anything but pleasant for her.

Mark D. Moyer Named CFO of Ziff Davis (2005-12-05): Ziff Davis Media Inc.

Iraqi VP Disputes Bush's Assessment of Iraqi Military (2005-12-05): Apparently, Iraqi Vice President Ghazi al-Yawer didn't get his faxed copy of the talking points memo for today.

Cold Weather Ahead As Gulf Stream Weakens (2005-12-01): The Guardian reports on a disturbing new scientific finding: the Gulf Stream is dramatically weakening, which could bring extremely violent weather.

BusinessWeek to Launch Bulgarian Edition (2005-11-29): BusinessWeek and CASH Media Group, a publishing company based in Sofia, have announced an agreement to publish a Bulgarian language edition of BusinessWeek.

Knight Ridder Acquires Silicon Valley Community Newspapers (2005-11-28): Knight Ridder has announced the acquisition of Silicon Valley Community Newspapers, which publishes eight weekly free-distribution newspapers in the South Bay area surrounding San Jose.

Magazines Celebrates Philanthropy in Communities of Color (2005-11-22): Charity magazine is a new publication covering philanthropy in communities of color will be available later this year. Names Editor-in-Chief and Publisher (2005-11-21): Style.

Debra Brandt Named Publisher of New York Home (2005-11-18): New York Home magazine has named Debra Brandt as Publisher.

Democrats Rise From the Dead (2005-11-17): Now that a majority of Americans believe that a) going to war in Iraq was a mistake; b) President Bush is not honest and c) there should be a bipartisan investigation into Plamegate, the Democrats have finally stop being so terrified of Dick Cheney.

John Huey, Jr. Becomes Time Inc.'s Sixth Editor-in-Chief (2005-11-16): Norman Pearlstine, Time Inc.

Bob Woodward's Plamegate Revelation (2005-11-16): Bob Woodward decided to reveal today that he was told about Valerie Plame over two years ago.