Media News Page: 43

This is page 43 of the media news archives.

Counting the Dead in New Orleans (2005-09-08): The truth about the Katrina disaster continues to leak out, despite a massive PR effort to spin the aftermath into a happy ending for everyone.

Press Censorship in New Orleans (2005-09-08): There have been numerous reports that the U.

Bush, Polls and Blame (2005-09-07): So, now that it's quite apparent to everyone that the response to Hurricane Katrina was an unmitigated disaster, who will the American public blame? Media Matters reports on a misleading poll that seems to indicate that no one really blames President Bush for the the situation.

Fertility Today Magazine Debuts (2005-09-06): Fertility Today is a new bi-monthly magazine that aims to translate cutting-edge fertility approaches into layman's terms while informing the general public as a means of empowerment via education.

John Roberts and the Amazing Promotion (2005-09-06): Well, that certainly didn't take long.

Jack Cafferty Tells It Like It Is (2005-09-02): As the aftermath of Katrina continues to unfold in all its horror, there was one journalist who simply said what a lot of people were thinking today.

Clarity Partners and ZelnickMedia Acquire Naylor Publications (2005-08-29): Clarity Partners, L.

Bill Hemmer's First Day at Fox (2005-08-29): After taking the summer off and having Lasik eye surgery, a glasses-less Bill Hemmer makes his debut to day as a new anchor on Fox News Live.

NARAL, John Roberts and the Road to Confirmation (2005-08-28): After NARAL got the smackdown over its aggressive anti-Roberts ad, it looked like women's rights groups were going to run crying home to hide during the confirmation hearings.

5280 Publishing Increase Frequency of Denver Magazine (2005-08-26): 5280 Publishing, Inc.

Bush Sinks in Harris Poll (2005-08-25): The Wall Street Journal reports that a new Harris Poll shows that President Bush' approval ratings are the lowest yet of his presidency.

Forcing the Press to Eat Barbeque Not a Good Idea (2005-08-22): On CNN's Reliable Sources today, Howie Kurtz explores the phenomenon that the Cindy Sheehan protest in Crawford, Texas has become.

Clinton and McCain Head to Alaska (2005-08-19): It looks like you're going to be hearing more about global warming between now and 2008.

Principal Broker Online Appoints Darity Wesley as Editor-in-Chief (2005-08-17): Principal Broker Online, a new online publication dedicated to the Real Estate industry, has appointed Darity Wesley, as their Editor-in-Chief.

Judith Miller Gets a Visitor (2005-08-17): So what do you have to do to score a jail visit from UN Ambassador John Bolton? Ask Judith Miller, the jailed New York Times reporter, because only she knows what she did to land such a high-profile visit.

Jack Abramoff Gets Indicted (2005-08-11): The Associated Press reports that lobbyist Jack Abramoff, an associate and close friend of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, has been indicted today by a federal grand jury on fraud charges.

Geoffrey Precourt Named Editor-in-Chief of Business Empowered (2005-08-09): BearingPoint, Inc.

Fitzgerald Gets a New Boss (2005-08-09): Michael Isikoff of Newsweek points out how a personnel changes at the Justice Department that could affect the investigation of the leaking of CIA operative Valerie Plame's name.

PricewaterhouseCoopers: Entertainment and Media in Strong Position for Growth (2005-08-05): The global entertainment and media (E&M) industry is in its strongest position since 2000, and will increase at a 7.

Imagination to Publish Agenda Newsmagazine for NCLR (2005-08-03): Imagination has won the publishing contract for Agenda, the quarterly newsmagazine for the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), the largest national constituency-based Hispanic organization in the United States.