Media News Page: 50
American Catholics Out of Step With Vatican on Social Issues (2005-04-03): A recent USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll sheds some interesting light on the attitudes of American Catholics.
Elegus Offers Government and Law Search Service (2005-04-02): Elegus Corporation has announced the launch of Elegus Select and Search, a vertical Internet search service designed specifically for finding government and law-related information.
LookSmart Announced Redesign of FindArticles (2005-04-02): LookSmart, an Internet search company, has announced a redesign of FindArticles.
Ziff Davis Announce Game Group Promotions (2005-04-02): Ziff Davis Media's Game Group, which publishes Electronic Gaming Monthly, Computer Gaming World, 1UP.
Pope John Paul II Dead at 84 (2005-04-02): Pope John Paul II passed away today at the age of 84.
News Publishers Buy Stake in (2005-04-01): Gannett Co.
ALM Acquires Real Estate Media (2005-04-01): American Lawyer Media (ALM), a media company serving legal and business professionals, announced that it has acquired the assets of Real Estate Media, Inc.
Where Have All the Resources Gone? (2005-03-30): In a macabre counterpoint to the ANWR drilling disaster, The Guardian reports that two-thirds of world's resources are used up.
Microsoft, Time Warner and Thomson Acquire ContentGuard (2005-03-29): Microsoft, Time Warner and Thomson have announced completion of their three-way acquisition of ContentGuard.
Can 59 Ex-U.S. Diplomats Be Wrong? (2005-03-29): As John "Hater of All Things U.
Army Wants $1.3 Trillion for Upgrades (2005-03-28): The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have demonstrated how badly our armed forces are in need of a major upgrade.
Torstar, CanWest and Metro to Launch Commuter Papers (2005-03-27): Torstar Corporation, CanWest MediaWorks and Metro International S.
75 Million Used Internet for Politics in 2004 (2005-03-25): The internet became an essential part of American politics in 2004.
IAC Acquires Ask Jeeves (2005-03-25): IAC/InterActiveCorp and Ask Jeeves, Inc.
Disney Names Robert A. Iger CEO (2005-03-25): Robert A.
Kay Bailey Hutchison Being Stalked by Texas Governor? (2005-03-24): Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) is expected to give up her U.
John Edwards Embraces Podcasting (2005-03-22): Former Democratic Vice-presidential nominee John Edwards is embracing the new podcasting technology, with his first podcast scheduled for tomorrow (Wednesday, March 23, 2005).
FortuneCity Launches (2005-03-21): FortuneCity.
HandHeld Entertainment Hires Larry Gitlin (2005-03-20): HandHeld Entertainment has announced that Larry Gitlin has been named vice president of business development.
Forbes Plans Luxury Auto Resource (2005-03-20): Forbes.