Media News Page: 51

This is page 51 of the media news archives.

Real Cities Network Adds Houston Chronicle (2005-03-19): The Real Cities Network has added HoustonChronicle.

New York Times Company Acquires (2005-03-18): The New York Times Company and Primedia Inc.

Conservative Women Score Big: Ken Mehlman Officially Not Gay (2005-03-18): Whew, that's a relief! The Raw Story reports that an upcoming GQ cover story is about gay Republicans, the gay mafia, the outing of gay-bashing, gay Republicans in or out of Bush's inner circle, or something like that.

New York Times Ending Circuits Section (2005-03-17): The New York Times has announced more enhancements to the newspaper, including a new, mid-week cousin of the Sunday Styles section to make its debut Thursday, April 14.

Terrible Troika Set to Terrify Old Europe (2005-03-17): President Bush named Paul Wolfowitz to head up the World Bank.

Harry Reid to Frist: Go Nuclear and We'll Shut Down the Senate (2005-03-16): The imminent battle over filibusters and Bush's judicial nominations is heating up.

Senate Votes to Allow Drilling in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (2005-03-16): Well, this certainly has been a busy news day.

AlphaZeta Relaunches Three Online Mags for Vance (2005-03-15): AlphaZeta Inc.

When It Comes to Social Security, Gridlock is a Beautiful Thing (2005-03-15): David Brooks takes a shot at analyzing the status of the current Social Security debate and gets it really wrong.

Condi Denies She Has Presidential Ambitions (2005-03-14): Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice caused such a furor last week when she wouldn't rule out a presidential bid in 2008, that she had to make the rounds of the Sunday talk shows yesterday to put out the fires. Launches Video Channel (2005-03-12): TheKnot.

Ex-marine: Saddam's Capture Was Staged (2005-03-10): Well, here's an interesting little story. Adds Conrad Jungmann Jr. to Sales Team (2005-03-09): MSNBC.

Motricity Names Michael Robinson President MCSG (2005-03-08): Motricity, a provider of mobile content infrastructure to the wireless industry, announced that it has named Michael Robinson as president of its Mobile Content Solutions Group (MCSG).

Hezbollah Leads 500,000 in Peaceful Demostration (2005-03-08): In Lebanon today approximately 500,000 people peacefully protested in support of Syria.

Clinton Camps on Floor; Gives Bush 41 the Bed (2005-03-07): The March 14th Newsweek issue shares an interesting item it learned from President Bush, Sr.

Global Sources Launches Garments & Textiles Online (2005-03-06): Global Sources Ltd.

Lebanon Complications: Don't Forget Hezbollah (2005-03-06): The addition of Saudi Arabia to the list of countries that has called upon Syria to finally withdraw its troops from Lebanon is significant; it seems that Syria will do just that, starting Monday.

Ziff Davis Names Kristin Holmes VP of International Licensing (2005-03-05): Ziff Davis Media Inc.

Variety Launches (2005-03-04): Variety has announced the launch of its new luxury consumer website, Vlifemag.