Media News Page: 52
CanWest MediaWorks to Launch Dose (2005-03-04): CanWest MediaWorks has announced the upcoming launch of Dose, a new source of information, ideas, and tools for young Canadians.
Life & Style Weekly Named 2004 Launch of the Year (2005-03-04): Life & Style Weekly has been named the 2004 "Magazine Launch of the Year" according to Samir Husni's Guide to New Magazines, 20th Anniversary Edition 2005.
CRMA Adds Two Publications to Network (2005-03-04): The City and Regional Magazine Association (CRMA) has announced the addition of two new publications to its growing national association.
Chiappardi and Lyman Launch New Entertainment Company (2005-03-03): Bob Chiappardi of Concrete Marketing Inc.
Hispanic Media to Grow 11% in 2005 (2005-03-03): Ad Age Magazine has announced that Hispanic Print Media will grow the fastest in the next year, reaching a 12% increase, outpacing Hispanic broadcast media.
Porter Goss: Dazed and Confused (2005-03-03): An alarming Associated Press article shares the disturbing news that our CIA head, Porter Goss, is about to crack under the strain of his demanding new job.
Salem Communications Corporation Acquires (2005-03-02): Salem Communications Corporation, a radio broadcaster focused on Christian and family-themed programming, announced that it will acquire Christianity.
WSJ Announces BlackBerry Edition (2005-03-02): The Wall Street Journal Online at WSJ.
Batmania Hits Toy Fair (2005-03-02): Warner Bros.
World Energy Magazine Launches Newsletter (2005-03-02): World Energy magazine, which has for the last nine years provided an unedited forum for the leadership of the global energy industry, is introducing World Energy Monthly Review to discuss the world of oil and gas.
SaVoy Magazine Relaunches (2005-03-01): SaVoy magazine is relaunching under the new leadership of Jazzy Communications, a division of Chicago based Hartman Publishing Ltd.
Jesus Diaz Jr. Named Miami Herald Publisher (2005-03-01): Knight Ridder has announced that Jesus Diaz Jr.
iMedia Market Report Launches (2005-03-01): The iMedia Market Report has officially launched featuring audio content, commentary, news, business analysis and market information about digital media and entertainment.
Univision Names Ray Rodriguez President and COO (2005-03-01): Univision Communications Inc. Launches (2005-03-01): Advancedimagingpro.
Republican Senators Waffling on Social Security Privatization (2005-03-01): USA Today reports some bad news for President Bush: the latest USA Today/CNN/Gallup Poll conducted Friday-Sunday found that a paltry 35% of Americans approve of Bush's Social Security record, 56% disapprove and 9% have no opinion.
Eric Pooley Named Managing Editor of Fortune (2005-02-28): Time Inc.
One Third of Homeless Men are Veterans (2005-02-28): Well, here's a nice fact for those of you who have had the annoyance of stepping over homeless people on the way to work or shopping.
Online Video Viewing Becoming More Common (2005-02-27): The Online Publishers Association (OPA) has announced the results of its Online Video Viewing Study. Launches Blog This (2005-02-27): MSNBC has introduced Blog This, a communication tool designed to help online news consumers share information and ideas with friends and the public.