Media News Page: 56
Dow Jones to Acquire MarketWatch (2004-12-03): Dow Jones & Company announced it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire MarketWatch, Inc.
Susan Lyne Named President and CEO of Martha Stewart Living (2004-11-29): Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, Inc.
Blogs Popular During 2004 Elections (2004-11-05): Weblogs emerged as very popular sources for information during the 2004 election.
PLoS Medicine Offers Free Access to Medical Research (2004-10-29): PLoS Medicine is a a new general medical journal with a non-traditional publishing model.
October Surprise: Osama bin Laden Takes the Stage (2004-10-29): Despite the U.
RNC to Rock the Vote: Shut Up or Face the Wrath of the IRS (2004-10-15): With American troops stretched thin on the ground in Iraq, and the activation of reservists and national guardsmen to active duty in Iraq, many experts are questioning where the troops are going to come from to continue the progression of the current administration's foreign policy.
Bush v. Kerry, Round 2: Advantage Lehrer (2004-10-08): The second debate took place in a less formal setting: a town hall format, with audience members asking prescreened questions, presided over by Charlie Gibson, genial host of Good Morning America.
Iraqis Embrace Democracy With a Vengeance: They're Suing Us (2004-10-07): Some Iraqis are reportedly demanding compensation from the U.
John Edwards Passes the Test (2004-10-05): Dick Cheney is one of the most experienced men serving in the U.
Presidential Debates: Advantage Kerry (2004-09-30): After all of the niggling over the height of the podiums, the gameshow warning lights and buzzers, the temperature of the auditorium and the prohibition against the candidates talking directly to each other, the first of the presidential debates finally got underway.
Iraqi Elections: An Exercise in Futility? (2004-09-24): If you think the current U.
CXO Media Launches Magazine for Corporate Marketers (2004-09-10): CXO Media Inc.
Will Your Vote Count in November? (2004-09-10): With all the media coverage being accorded to the Vietnam-era activities of President Bush and Senator Kerry, there is another -- much more important -- story simply falling through the cracks.
The U.S. Presidential Campaign Kicks into High Gear (2004-09-03): Polls taken just after the close of the Republican Convention show President Bush getting a robust bounce in the polls: both Newsweek and Time show Bush ahead of Kerry by 11 points.
Viacom to Acquire (2004-08-27): Viacom Inc.
Dying to Bring You the News (2004-08-27): According to the The Guardian, the number of journalists and media staff killed in the Iraq War has now reached 51, after the death of Italian journalist Enzo Baldoni.
Swift Boat Veterans' Claims All Wet (2004-08-20): The New York Times leads today with a story that blows away any lingering credibility of the so-called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the Republican donor-funded Viet Nam veterans group who have launched attacks on John Kerry's integrity and honesty about events that happened during the Viet Nam war.
Olympic Opening Ceremonies Impress (2004-08-14): Everyone has been giving the Greeks so much grief about not being ready for the Olympics -- with endless news stories and even a Saturday Night Live sketch spoofing the confused construction director -- that I'm sure the Olympic Committee was determined to show the world what they are made of.
Crazy People Exchanging Views (2004-08-06): The media wars just got nastier.
Writers Write Launches Shoppers Shop Shopping Resource (2004-08-03): Writers Write, Inc. has announced the launch of Shoppers Shop, an online shopping resouce and guide.