Media News Page: 91

This is page 91 of the media news archives. Launches Small Business News Center (1999-11-18): Onvia. Appoints Former Ziff-Davis General Manager as CEO (1999-11-15): ibooks.

Reach Out Magazine Goes Online (1999-11-15): Reach Out Magazine, a resource which aims to help those with disabilities to meet others, is now on the Internet.

MP Media Launches Bilingual American and Korean Website (1999-11-15): MP Media, Inc.

Imagine Media Forms Business Division (1999-11-15): Imagine Media, publisher of the consumer business magazine Business 2.

SoftBook Press Introduces SoftBook Auto Publisher (1999-11-15): SoftBook Press, Inc.

Borders Group Names Greg Josefowicz President and CEO (1999-11-15): Borders Group, Inc. Launches Teen ISP and Portal Community (1999-11-12): EverythingTeen. Signs Marty Glickman as Featured Writer (1999-11-12): GenerationA.

Ungaro Named Freedom Magazines President (1999-11-12): CurtCo Freedom Group CEO Colin Ungaro has been named President of Freedom Magazines announced Freedom Communications, Inc. Launches Online Karaoke Community (1999-11-12): The developers of the sing along software programs Soft Karaoke and Kool Karaoke, have announced the launch of an Karaoke community at eatsleepmusic.

Dr. Marty Becker Joins as Chief Bond Petopian (1999-11-12): Petopia. Acquires HyperZine Communications (1999-11-12): PhotoHighway.

eAI Journal Goes Live with Innovative Website (1999-11-12): eAI Journal, a resource for e-business and application integration, has launched a new website to complement its hardcopy magazine, which reaches 50,000 IT and business professionals. Launches Online Magazine for Personal Privacy (1999-11-12): PrivacyPlace is a new online magazine, which includes news, opinions, advice, a forum for readers, an archive of articles on privacy, and a marketplace that recommends products and services available for protecting privacy. Buys Mind's Eye Fiction (1999-11-10): Seattle-based Alexandria Digital Literature has announced the purchase of Mind's Eye Fiction.

Xerox/Reciprocal e-Publishing Clearing Service (ePCS) Announced (1999-11-10): Xerox Corporation and Reciprocal have announced the Xerox/Reciprocal e-Publishing Clearing Service (ePCS), a digital rights management service for publishers.

SoftBook Press and NuvoMedia Jointly Propose 'Open eBook File Format' Specification (1999-11-10): NuvoMedia, Inc.

V! Studios to Launch (1999-11-10): V! Studios, Inc. Launches Website for the Comic Strip Community (1999-11-10): MyComix.