Media Cynic Page: 21
Dick Cheney's Traveling Requirements (2006-03-23): The Smoking Gun has obtained a copy of the official list of demands from Dick Cheney when he travels.
Whiny Kids Grow Up to Be Conservatives (2006-03-22): A new study concludes that whiny, paranoid, insecure kids who crave authority grow up to be conservatives.
Yet Another Dubai Deal (2006-03-20): Those who were saddened by the demise of the Dubai Ports deal can take heart: apparently yet another Dubai-based company is now poised to take over another U.
Debt Ceiling? What Debt Ceiling? (2006-03-18): Congress blew the lid off of the spending cap Thursday by voting to allow President Bush to borrow $781 billion in order to keep the government going.
The Other Dubai Deal (2006-03-15): Time magazine reports on another Dubai deal that most Americans don't know about: a Dubai firm has landed a huge contract with the U.
The Ports Deal is Over...Or Is It? (2006-03-10): DP World of the UAE has announced that it is withdrawing from the deal in which it would take over a number of U.
Senate Considers Bill Which Will Gut Women's Healthcare Coverage (2006-03-08): Lynn Harris of Salon drops this little bombshell today: the Senate is considering a bill that's going to override all state law protections that require insurance companies to cover prescriptions for women's medical issues and which protect pregnant women.
Jon Stewart's Stellar Oscar Performance (2006-03-06): Jon Stewart did an excellent job hosting the Oscars last night.
Joy in Corporate America: RIM and Blackbery Reach Settlement (2006-03-03): The millions of Blackberry users have been terrified that a mean judge was going to take their favorite toys away from them -- and with good reason.
Dubai Ports World Tries To Censor Lou Dobbs (2006-02-28): CNN's Lou Dobbs reports that Dubai Ports World (which is controlled by the government of the United Arab Emirates) is trying to censor his reporting on the UAE ports deal.
Bush Bicycle Crash Details Leaked (2006-02-27): On Sunday, The Scotsman obtained previously unavailable details about President Bush's bicycle crash during the last G8 Summit in Scotland.
The UAE: A Criminal Crossroads (2006-02-23): In December, David E.
Bush Vows Veto of Bill Banning UAE Port Sale (2006-02-22): President Bush is refusing to listen the avalanche of negative opinions being expressed about the UAE ports deal; in fact, he has now vowed to veto any legislation that would put a stop to selling control if our major ports to a company that is wholly-owned by the United Arab Emirates.
Governor Pataki Takes a Stand (2006-02-21): Republican New York Governor Pataki and New Jersey lawmakers have stated that they are going to pursue legal action in order to stop the already-approved deal which would allow a Dubai-based company to control a number of major U.
Space Tourism's First Stop: Dubai (2006-02-20): Not only will cargo coming into the United States through several of its major ports have to go through facilities owned by the UAE (United Arab Emirates), now it appears that if you want to go into space as a space tourist, you will have to visit a the new Spaceport operated by and located in -- you guessed it -- the UAE.
Port Security Threatened by Turning our Port Control Over to the United Arab Emirates (2006-02-18): This is really the last straw for a supposedly "tough on terror" admininistration.
NASA Scientist Says Icecaps Melting Faster Than Originally Thought (2006-02-17): NASA scientist Jim Hansen is the Director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York, and is President Bush's top climate modeller.
Cheney Shooting Victim Has Heart Attack (2006-02-14): The Associated Press is now reporting that 78 year old attorney Harry Whittington, who was shot by Vice president Dick Cheney during a hunting trip, has had a heart attack because some of the birdshot is lodged too close to his heart.
Dick Cheney's Hunting Fiasco (2006-02-13): Most people thought it was some kind of joke because it's almost exactly like the quail hunting scene in Wedding Crashers starring Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn, but it turned out to be true: Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot his lawyer in the face while they were hunting quail on Saturday.
Iran Ups the Ante With Holocaust Cartoon Contest (2006-02-08): The Islamic fury over the Mohammed cartoons continues into midweek with more violent protests in the Middle Eastern countries.