New Du Jour Magazine to Cover Luxury Market

Posted on February 28, 2012

Niche Media founder Jason Binn has announced plans to Du Jour in Fall 2012. Du Jour will include a quarterly print oversized glossy magazine and a website at The magazine will operate in collaboration with Gilt Groupe and Hudson News.

Du Jour will focus on the top markets in the U.S., including New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami, Dallas, Las Vegas, and San Francisco, as well as seasonal destinations like Hamptons, Aspen and Sun Valley. The magazine will target readers who meet qualifiers like an average net worth of $5 million, average income over $250,000 and liquid assets over $1 million.

Jason Binn said in a statement, "Luxury advertisers want to connect with transactional customers who can afford the lifestyles they celebrate and others aspire to celebrate in an offline and online environment. I'm confident this collaboration will reshape the marketing landscape and afford upscale brands the ability to activate purchases and drive traffic to their business establishments and websites."

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