New Online Zine Addresses Learning in the New Economy

Posted on June 20, 2000

Covering new economy issues of learning, performance and knowledge, a new magazine LiNE Zine addresses what publisher Brook Manville calls ``the know-how and know-why of performing to the max, going faster, and breaking old rules.'' LiNE (Learning in the New Economy) Zine will cover all aspects of learning in the new economy, and will be published quarterly with interimn updates.

The first issue of LiNE Zine focuses on the link between learning and performance, with articles including an explanation of the need for learning communities by Etienne Wenger and Bill Snyder, a call for e-learning without e-hype from Esther Dyson, and Doug Smith's examination of why so much organizational learning activity fails to provide crucial ROI.

``We're not afraid to challenge the sacred cows of learning,'' said LiNE Zine editor-in-chief Marcia Conner. ``We are going to explore the newest thinking about the knowledge revolution, and make LiNE Zine a vendor-neutral must-read for everyone concerned with learning at the speed of life.''

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