No Love For NoFollow?

Posted on February 16, 2007

Wikipedia recently added no follow tags in a lame spam fighting attempt that has not gone over well. Now Search Engine Journal has a post against no follow that lists 13 reasons why the NoFollow don't work anywhere. Search Engine Journal says NoFollow tags don't even work to stop blog comment spam -- the original purpose of the tags.

NoFollow = NoWorky. Using NoFollow in blog comments, the original intent of the tag, does nothing to discourage comment spammers. Using other anti-spamming tools such as question, math and plugins such as Akismet and SpamKarma for Wordpress is much more effective.
Search Engine Journal also says that some Wordpress bloggers don't even realize they are using the tag.

Apparently, there is a Dofollow Plugin available to remove the tag in Wordpress. Robert Scoble says he used to be a NoFollow supporter but he now finds himself changing his mind. Some of the comments on Scoble's post about NoFollow indicate that a few bloggers still support using NoFollow in blog comments. Perhaps, eventually some comment spammers will get the message that they will not get search juice with their spammy nofollowed links. However, there is very little love out there for the way Wikipedia is using it.

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