NuvoMedia Announces Additional RocketEdition Publishers
Posted on July 7, 1999
NuvoMedia has announced that 39 additional publishers have begun producing RocketEditions. The site now contains titles from over 50 publishing partners.
"Since the Rocket eBook began shipping, we have been committed to providing our customers with a large selection of reading material," commented Martin Eberhard, co-founder and CEO of NuvoMedia. "We are thrilled that we are able to deliver on that promise with an ever growing list of high quality publishers."
Initial publishing partners for the Rocket eBook included: Addison Wesley Longman, Bloomberg Financial Markets, Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, HarperCollins Publishers, Harvard Business School Press, Henry Holt and Company, Inc., Macmillan Computer Publishing USA, McGraw-Hill Publishing, O'Reilly & Associates, Penguin Putnam Inc., Random House, Inc., Simon & Schuster, St. Martin's Press, Tor Books, and The Wall Street Journal Interactive Edition. Among the new publishers supplying RocketEditions, are: 1st Books, Alexandria Digital Literature, Awe-struck E-Books, Boson Books, Broadman & Holman, Consortium, Denlingers Publishers, Ltd., DiskUs Publishing, Dorchester Publishing Company, Electric Umbrella, E-Reads, Hampton Roads Publishing, Harcourt, Inc., Hard Shell Word Factory, Hollis Books, InterVarsity Press, J. Wiley & Sons, Lipper/Viking Penguin Lives, Logos Library Systems, MesaView Publishing, MIT University Press, Mountainview Publishing, Muse Creations, New Concepts Publishing, Orpheus Romance, Poisoned Pen Press, Prentice Hall Press, Public Affairs, Publishers Group West,, Seven Bridges Chatham, Silver Lake Publishing, Sugar Mountain Productions, Times Two Publishing Company, Treeless Press, Vivisphere, Walker Books, Warner Books & Little Brown, WinePress
The Rocket eBook and future Rocket eBook-enabled readers allow users to bcarry a small library of published works, personal documents and Web pages with them. The 22-oz. hand-held electronic reader can hold at least 4,000 pages (about 10 novels) of text and graphics at a time. Being digital, books read on the Rocket eBook can also be browsed, searched, annotated, underlined, linked and referenced in ways impossible with a paper book.