Yarr! Every Blog Post is a Blog at Office Pirates

Posted on February 22, 2006

Blogebrity points out that Office Pirates, a new humor website from Time Warner that launched quietly, doesn't know the difference between a blog and a blog post. Office Pirates has a blog called Blah Blah Blog and every new blog post on the Blah Blah Blog is called a new blog.

Unless someone held a meeting without me, BLOGS = SITES. On these websites we call blogs, we make blog posts, blog entries, post stories, log posts, ramble, scribble, or just about anything....

We do not, however, publish blogs on our blogs. I make this point today b/c of the Office Pirates launch, brought to us by TimeWarner. On the shiny new Office Pirates site, individual blog posts are referred to as 'Today's Blog', and the archive of old posts is called All Blogs.

The Office Pirates blog archives page also contains these odd words: "old blogs, stacked high like pancakes. Or babies." Fortunately, each RSS entry is not on its own feed. But we had no idea that RSS feeds make noises like Krapow! Office Pirates says "Sizzle! Snap! Krapow! That's the sound of Office Pirates being served up to you daily via RSS." The Internet would be a very loud place if that happened every time an RSS feed updated.

Blogebrity's Kyle Bunch writes, "Makes me think somebody needs a Blogging 101 session from their corporate cousin Calacanis." We agree. The Office Pirates team must not have made contact with Jason Calacanis or anyone from the Weblogs, Inc. team prior to launching.

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