Palm Digital Media Joins PalmSource, Inc.
Posted on April 11, 2002
Palm Digital Media, a publisher and distributor of ebooks for handheld computers, has joined PalmSource, Inc., the Palm OS subsidiary of Palm, Inc. PalmSource provides an operating system for handheld computers and smart phones. The main competition for Palm OS is Windows CE from Microsoft. Microsoft is also a competitor of Palm's in ebook reading software. Microsoft's Microsoft Reader competes with Palm Reader, Palm's ebook reading software.
Palm says the move to PalmSource is a perfect fit for Palm Digital Media. Palm Digital Media will continue to offer Palm Reader and ebooks on its website and through relationships with Palm OS licensees. Palm Digital Media offers over 4,500 ebook titles. Palm Digital Media introduces 15 to 20 new eBooks every day and claims to average 1,000 new customers a week.