Paris Hilton Did More Time Than Scooter Libby Will

Posted on July 2, 2007

There's justice for you: Paris Hilton has served more jail time for driving on a suspended license than Scooter Libby will serve for sharing classified information with reporters, lying to federal agents and helping blow the cover of a CIA covert operative. Yes, that's right, President Bush has commuted Scooter Libby's sentence.

Libby, of course, is the fall guy for Dick Cheney who spearheaded the campaign to destroy the career of CIA operative Valerie Plame, wife of Ambassador Joe Wilson because Wilson refused to lie about Saddam seeking yellowcake uranium from Nigeria in the run up to the Iraq War. Testimony at Libby's trial made it pretty clear what really happened, but somehow only Libby got tagged with any consequences. At the last minute, Libby got a reprieve.

Libby won't do his 30 months in jail, but he will have to pay the $250,000 fine and will still have to complete probation. No jail time? Martha Stewart did jail time and Paris Hilton did jail time, but Scooter Libby won't, even though his traitorous activities deserve a very harsh punishment.

The Bush administration has sent a clear message: so long as you are a Bushie, you can even commit treason and not do any jail time. And if you're Dick Cheney -- the hapless Libby's boss -- why, there are no consequences at all. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi summed it up best when she said: "The president said he would hold accountable anyone involved in the Valerie Plame leak case. By his action today, the president shows his word is not to be believed."

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