People en Espanol to Launch as Monthly Magazine in 1998

Posted on July 3, 1997

PEOPLE En Espanol, the Spanish-language edition of PEOPLE created specifically for Hispanic readers in the United States, will be officially launched as a monthly in 1998.

The publication -- comprised of both editorial written for the U.S. Hispanic market and a selection of translated articles from PEOPLE -- began testing as a quarterly in October of 1996, and has published three issues at that frequency. In a separate announcement, Lisa Quiroz was named the first publisher of PEOPLE En Espanol.

"The reception to PEOPLE En Espanol has been exceptional from virtually all quarters," said Jeremy Koch, PEOPLE's vice president, in explaining the decision to move to monthly publication. "The support that we have gotten from advertisers, consumers and magazine wholesalers has convinced us that this is a breakthrough product for the Hispanic market."

Key findings during the test period follow:

--Strong consumer demand. After only three issues, PEOPLE En Espanol has already become the largest-selling general interest magazine geared to the Hispanic reader in North America -- Spanish language or bilingual. On average, the first three issues sold in excess of 170,000, the magazine's guaranteed rate base. With its launch as a monthly in 1998 the publication will increase its rate base guarantee to a paid circulation of 200,000.

"PEOPLE En Espanol provides a highly unique 'mass with class' print vehicle, with a reach that compares favorably to that of Spanish-language television. For advertisers like AT&T -- who are committed to reaching Hispanic consumers -- this magazine is long overdue," said Jacqueline Morey, AT&T's director of multicultural marketing communications.

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