Ray Bradbury Backtracks, Allows Fahrenheit 451 to be Published as an Ebook
Posted on November 29, 2011
Ray Bradbury, who despises both the Internet and ebooks, has finally relented and allowed his classic work Fahrenheit 451 to be published as an ebook. Simon & Schuster, which publishes the hardcover edition of Fahrenheit 451, announced today that it will publish the digital version of the book. The new agreement gives Simon & Schuster to all English language print and digital formats of Fahrenheit 451 in North America, as well as the English language mass market rights in North America to Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles and The Illustrated Man. The deal was made by Simon & Schuster Publisher Jonathan Karp and Bradbury's agent, Michael Congdon of Don Congdon Associates.
The ebook was released today. On January 10, 2012, Simon & Schuster will publish a trade paperback edition of Fahrenheit 451 on January 10, 2012. Mass market editions of The Martian Chronicles and The Illustrated Man will go on sale in March 2012.
"It's a rare and wonderful opportunity to continue our relationship with this beloved and canonical author and to bring his works to new a generation of readers and in new formats," said Jonathan Karp. "We are honored to be the champion of these classic works."
The Kindle version is now available at Amazon.com.