Converting Celsius to Fahrenheit
Celsius has a melting point of zero (0°) and a boiling point of 100°. The concept behind Celsius is that it is easier to use because of this scale. Fahrenheit has a melting point of 32° and a boiling point of 212°. A person could also argue that Fahrenheit is better for weather temperatures because it describes the temperature quickly without the person having to consider decimals.
Mathematical Conversion
To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit you multiple the Celsius temperature by 1.8 and add 32.
To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius you substract 32 and then multiply by 5/9 (.5556).
A Lifehacker article notes that you can use 2 as your multiplier instead of 1.8 and then add 32 and get a number that is fairly close to the more exact result.
You can also remember that 20° Celsius is room temperature, 25° Celsius is just getting out of the mid 70s on Fahrenheit, 30° Celsius and its starts getting quite warm outside (above the mid 80s) and 40° degrees Celsius is a very hot summer temperature.
Conversions Chart
Here are some common conversions.
- 10 Celsius° is 50° Fahrenheit
- 20 Celsius° is 68° Fahrenheit
- 25 Celsius° is 77° Fahrenheit
- 30 Celsius° is 86° Fahrenheit
- 37 Celsius° is 98.6° Fahrenheit
- 40 Celsius° is 104° Fahrenheit

You can find a bigger list of already convert temperatures on Rapid Tables.
Using Google
To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit with Google just enter the query as a command. For example, enter "convert 30 Celsius to Fahrenheit" and Google will return to result. You can also just enter "convert Celsius" and Google will bring up a handy Celsius to Fahrenheit converter. You can also do this with Bing and DuckDuckGo.
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