Here is the collection of oddities and odd news resource links.
Cosmiverse provides coverage of space-related news, including frequently updated news headlines and resources.
Mysterious Universe
A site covering strange and unusual happenings, including aliens and the paranormal.
NPR: Strange News
A collection of odd and strange news stories from NPR
Oddities & Curiousities Expo
A traveling oddities event that makes annual appearances in over a dozen cities each year.
A webzine with information about conspiracy theories, strange occurances and more. Also includes links to other resources.
Reuters: Oddly Enough
The latest odd and strange news from Reuters. Reuters calls this category, Oddly Enough.
SSR: UFOs and Aliens
The latest alien and UFO news from Science, Space & Robots.
UPI Odd News
The latest unusual and strange news from the UPI
Urban Legends Archive
Material from the alt.folklore.urban usenet group.
Yahoo Odd News
A collection of news headlines about oddities curated by Yahoo News.