by Skip Press
Prima, June, 2001.
Trade Paperback, 432 pages.
ISBN: 0761531874

Skip Press returns with an updated edition
of his must-have guide for screenwriters.
Each year, Skip puts together a complete
resource for screenwriting, with articles,
advice, analysis and contact information
for agents, directors and producers.
The first section of the book, the articles,
provides advice about finding agents, breaking
into the business, gurus, digital
filmmaking and screenwriting software.
The book is peppered with great web links and
resources. Skip also provides
articles about online resources, including "The
Hollywood Library: How to Research Tinseltown"
and "Working the Hollywood Web."
Budding screenwriters who purchase this book
will collect a virtual treasure trove
of resources from which to expand their knowledge
and research.
Skip's listings of agents, directors and producers are more
than just simple contact listings; for each listing
Skip writes a personal anecdote,
which includes some of his coveted Hollywood knowledge.
Skip Press, who is an author, writer, professional screenwriter
and instructor, is also the
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Screenwriting.
Skip's advice in the 2002-2003
Writer's Guide
is practical and sincere. It will soon become obvious
to the reader that Skip is familiar
with every screenwriting market, tool and resource
on the planet. Skip's annual
Writer's Guide is required reading
for all screenwriters.
2002-2003 Writer's Guide to Hollywood Producers, Directors and Screenwriter's Agents is available for purchase on
Note: We may receive a commission from sales made through product links in this article.
This review was published in the August, 2001 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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