A Hat Full of Sky
HarperCollins, May, 2004.
Hardcover, 288 pages.
ISBN: 0060586605
Ages 9 and up
Subgenre: asdf

Tiffany Aching, the precocious protagonist from The Wee Free Men is back in a second adventure set in the English chalk country. The enigmatic Mistress Weatherwax and Death, two of Pratchett's most interesting characters, make appearances in this very funny tale. Tiffany has to grow up quite a bit in this adventure. She learns some hard truths about recognizing the worst parts of one's personality in order to find one's true self, and she begins to understand the nature and responsibility of real power. Terry Pratchett is one of our most skilled societal commentators and satirists. But, perhaps more importantly, he is a compelling storyteller whose books will appeal to both children and adults.
--Claire E. White
A Hat Full of Sky is available for purchase on Amazon.com
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This review was published in the 2004 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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