A Woman Betrayed
William Morrow, November, 2001.
Hardcover, 406 pages.
ISBN: 006621341X
Subgenre: Contemporary

A Woman Betrayed was first issued as a mass market paperback. Now, her publishers have met the demand for the re-release in hardcover of the bestselling author's early works. Although written in 1991, A Woman Betrayed rings true today. Laura's story (unfortunately) is not far-fetched at all, as anyone who reads the news will know. Barbara Delinsky excels at characterizations: Laura, Christian and the other family members and friends all seem like real people. This is a story which will truly tug at your heartstrings, as you root for Laura and Christian to find the happiness that they both deserve.
A Woman Betrayed is available for purchase on Amazon.com
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This review was published in the Dec. - Jan., 2002 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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