Black Lotus
St. Martin's Press, April, 2001.
Hardcover, 352 pages.
ISBN: 0312268726

Progressive for his time period, Sano has actually allowed his wife to assist him in his investigations from time to time. After all, as a female of the samurai class, Reiko can gather all kinds of information from the women that Sano would never know about. Laura Joh Rowland provides a multi-layered mystery in Sano and Reiko's latest adventure; the Temple of the Black Lotus houses some very nasty secrets indeed. But the key to the case is the pathological liar, Haru. Her story constantly changes, and she certainly trades on Reiko's protective instincts. Rowland will keep you guessing until the very last page as to Haru's motivations, and hoping that Reiko and Sano can find a way to patch up their marriage. This is another fascinating entry in an excellent historical series.
--Claire E. White
Black Lotus is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the June, 2001 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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