Computer Book Reviews
Welcome to our computer book reviews section. Here you find highlights of book reviews offering advice on programming, technology, HTML and more. More reviews can be found on page 2 of the archives.
10 Minute Guide to Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition
by Shelley O'Hara (Que) -
Absolute PC Security & Privacy
by Michael Miller (Synex) -
AI Game Development
by Alex J. Champandard (New Riders) -
The Art & Science of Web Design
by Jeffrey Veen (Que) -
Back to the User
by Tammy Sachs and Garry McClain (New Riders) -
Blogging: Genius Strategies for Instant Web Content
by Biz Stone (New Riders) -
Creative Thinking in Photoshop
by Sharon Steuer (New Riders) -
Database Nation
by Simson Garfinkel (O'Reilly & Associates) -
Designing CSS Web Pages
by Christopher Schmitt (New Riders) -
Designing With Web Standards
by Jeffrey Zeldman (New Riders) -
by Mitchell Levy (New Riders) -
F1 Get the most out of Excel
by Joseph Rubin (Limelight Media) -
Flash for the Real World
by Steve Street (Sams) -
Flash Web Design: The v5 Remix
by Hillman Curtis (New Riders) -
Game Creation and Careers
by Marc Saltzman (New Riders) -
Google: The Missing Manual
by Sarah Milstein and Rael Dornfest (O'Reilly) -
Hot Text: Web Writing That Works
by Jonathan Price and Lisa Price (New Riders) -
How to Use Microsoft FrontPage 2002
by Paul Heltzel (Sams) -
Inside Adobe Photoshop 6
by Gary David Bouton, Gary Kubicek, Barbara Mancuso Bouton and Mara Zebest Nathanson (New Riders) -
Inside JavaScript
by Steven Holzner, Ph.D. (New Riders) -
Inside Photoshop 7
by Gary David Bouton, Barbara Mancuso Bouton (New Riders) -
Inside XSLT
by Steven Holzner (New Riders) -
JavaScript 1.5 by Example
by Adrian Kingsley-Hughes and Kathie Kingsley-Hughes (Que) -
Just the Tips, Man for Microsoft Word 2000
by Bob Fisser and Wendy Richardson (Nerdy Books) -
The Macromedia ColdFusion 5 Web Application Construction Kit
by Ben Forta and Nate Weiss (Que) -
Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Actionscript
by Derek Franklin, Jobe Makar (Macromedia Press) -
Macromedia Flash MX 2004 KillerTips
by Shane Elliott (New Riders) -
The Macromedia JRUN Web Application Construction Kit
by Drew Falkman (Que) -
Maximum Security Third Edition
by Anonymous (Sams) -
MCSE Core Certification Exam Guide 6-in-1
by Emmett Dulaney and Jeff Durham (Que) -
Microsoft Access 2002 10 Minute Guide
by Joe Hazbraken (Que) -
MTIV: Process, Inspiration and Practice for the New Media Designer
by Hillman Curtis (New Riders) -
MySQL: Building User Interfaces
by Matthew Stucky (New Riders) -
by Rick E. Bruner, Leland Harden and Bob Heyman (New Riders) -
Perl Developer's Dictionary
by Clinton Pierce (Sams) -
Photoshop 6 Artistry : Mastering the Digital Image
by Barry Haynes and Wendy Crumpler (New Riders) -
Photoshop 6 Down & Dirty Tricks
by Scott Kelby (New Riders) -
Photoshop 6 Effects Magic
by Rhoda Grossman and Sherry London (New Riders) -
Photoshop 6 KillerTips
by Scott Kelby and Felix Nelson (New Riders) -
Photoshop 6 Shop Manual
by Donnie O'Quinn (New Riders) -
Photoshop Elements 2.0: 50 Ways to Create Cool Pictures
by Dave Huss (New Riders) -
Photoshop Type Effects Visual Encyclopedia
by Roger Pring (New Riders) -
PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites
by Larry Ullman (Peachpit Press) -
PHP and MySQL Web Development
by Luke Welling and Laura Thomson (Sams) -
PHP for the World Wide Web
by Larry Ullman (Peachpit Press) -
PHP Programming for Windows
by Andrew Stopford (New Riders) -
Privacy Defended
by Gary Bahadur, William Chan and Chris Weber (Que) -
Return on Design
by Ani Phyo (New Riders) -
Sell it on eBay
by Jim Heid, Toby Malina (Peachpit Press) -
Shockwave 3D
by Jason Wolf (New Riders) -
Skip Intro: Macromedia Flash Usability and Interface Design
by Michelangelo Carpraro and Duncan McAlester (New Riders) -
Special Edition Using Adobe Illustrator 9
by Peter Bauer (Que) -
Special Edition Using Adobe Photoshop 6
by Richard Lynch (Que) -
Special Edition Using Macromedia Flash 5
by Darrel Plant and Robert Cleveland (Que) -
Submit Now: Designing Persuasive Web Sites
by Andrew Chak (New Riders) -
Surviving Security
by Mandy Andress (Sams) -
Taking Your Talent to the Web
by Jeffrey Zeldman (New Riders) -
TCP/IP Unleashed
by Karanjit S. Siyan, Ph.D. and Tim Parker, Ph.D. (Sams) -
Text Me: Everything You Need to Know About Text Messaging
(Random House) -
Upgrading and Repairing PCs
by Scott Mueller (Que) -
WAP Development with WML and WMLScript
by Ben Forta, et al. (Sams) -
Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL
by Hugh E. Williams and David Lane (O'Reilly) -
Web Publishing with HTML and XHTML in 21 Days
by Laura Lemay (Sams) -
Web Site Design Goodies
by Joe Burns, Ph.D. (Que) -
Web Usability & Navigation: A Beginner's Guide
by Merlyn Holmes (McGraw-Hill Osborne) -
What Your Computer Consultant Doesn't Want You to Know
by Joshua Feinberg (Small Biz Tech Talk Press) -
Wicked Cool Shell Scripts
by Dave Taylor (No Starch Press) -
Windows 2000 Power Toolkit
by Barry Shilmover, Stu Sjouwerman, et al. (New Riders) -
by Greg Simsic (Que) -
by Chelsea Valentine and Chris Minnick (New Riders) -
by Kirk Allen Evans, Ashwin Kamanna and Joel Mueller (New Riders) -
XML and Java from Scratch
by Nicholas Chase (Que) -
XML, XSLT, Java and JSP
by Westy Rockwell (New Riders) -
The Zope Book
by Amos Latteier and Michel Pelletier (New Riders)