by Liz Maverick
LoveSpell, April, 2006.
Paperback, 336 pages.
ISBN: 0505526255
Subgenre: Paranormal

B-Ops Agent Cydney Brighton disappeared while on a case with her
partner Dain Reston (
See, Crimson City) who later decided to turn vampire to be with
his lady love, Fleur Dumont, the head of the vampire nation that lives above the
clouds in Crimson City. Cydney was on the original science team that opened
a portal into the demon world: the horror of what she saw that day
nearly destroyed her own life as she spiraled down into a pattern of drugs
and despair. On a mission with Dain, she was kidnapped by the demon
Griff-Vai who was determined to make her a
replacement for the mate he lost. Trapped in the demon world,
Cydney would do anything to escape.
So when another portal opened, she took her chance and escaped.
Now she's back in Crimson City,
but she doesn't know who she can trust in B-Ops, so she goes rogue.
She meets up with another rogue, Finn, a man who has secrets which rival hers.
Together, these two outcasts are going to do whatever it takes to reclaim their
lives and try to close the portal to the demon world for good, before
Crimson City and everyone in it is destroyed.
The Crimson City series goes out with a bang in this
heart pounding, steamy adventure that neatly ties up threads from the
previous novels in the series (
Crimson City by Liz Maverick,
A Taste of
Crimson by
Marjorie M. Liu,
Through a Crimson Veil by
Carolyn Jewel and
Seduced by Crimson by Jade Lee), while leaving readers
hungry for more adventures set in this gripping urban fantasy landscape.
Crimson Rogue is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the April, 2006 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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