Dark Guardian
Leisure Books, May, 2002.
Paperback, 384 pages.
ISBN: 0843949945

In Dark Legend, Lucian was willing to give up his own life to save his twin brother, Gabriel. Close to turning into the undead that he hunted, Lucian finds his lifemate just in time, although they will have to face many enemies before they can truly be together. Christine Feehan has created a compelling heroine with Jaxx; she has had to overcome terrible tragedy to become who she is today. Jaxx is the perfect foil for the powerful Lucian, and their scenes together sizzle and pop. This is another powerful, paranormal romance that is sure to please both fans and new readers alike.
Dark Guardian is available for purchase on Amazon.com
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This review was published in the June, 2002 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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