by Peggy Post
HarperCollins, November, 2004.
Hardcover, 876 pages.
ISBN: 0066209579

When one mentions the subject of etiquette, some people
might wonder what use such an antiquated notion has
today. How many people actually need to know all the various
proper forms of address for the Queen of England, after all?
But the truth is that etiquette is as important
today as ever. Knowing what to do and say in
virtually any social situation gives one confidence. The etiquette
bible has always been
Emily Post's Etiquette. Society has
changed much since the first
book was published in 1922. Luckily, Ms. Posts' granddaughter-in-law
has carried on Emily Post's work; this 17th edition of
Etiquette is the result -- and it is an absolutely invaluable
book to have in one's home. Now with handy index tabs in the
text, the book is the place to turn to find out what you are supposed
to do in any conceivable life situation, from breaking up with someone
to writing thank you notes, to handling another's illness, to giving gifts,
to dealing with children (yours or other people's) to
behaving and dressing appropriately at work. The new edition is
totally up to date with all those questions of the digital age, such
as etiquette for email, text messaging and even online dating.
You'll be surprised how helpful this 800 page volume will be,
and it would make the perfect gift for anyone of high school age and
Emily Post's Etiquette, 17th Edition is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the November-December, 2004 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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