by Marc McCutcheon
Writer's Digest Books, March, 2001.
Trade Paperback, 308 pages.
ISBN: 1582970637
Everyday Life in the 1800s is a historical
reference guide from the Writer's Digest
Everyday Life series. This reference covers
the 1800s, providing facts, timelines,
definitions and dates, as well as relevant information
about the time period, how people lived, famous
events and famous citizens. The slang
section is especially useful for writers in search of
dialogue appropriate to the period. This section
includes slang vocabulary
from the time period with word meanings
and sample sentences showing usage.
Other sections in the book cover transportation,
home and living, clothing and fashion, money,
occupations, health and medicine, food and
drink, amusements, slavery, courtship and
marriage and the Civil War.
Handy timelines covering important events,
published books and novels, innovations and
popular songs are also provided.
This is a very useful reference for historical, western and
romance writers that can help reduce trips to
the library and exhausting online search sessions.
Everyday Life in the 1800s is available for purchase on
Note: We may receive a commission from sales made through product links in this article.
This review was published in the May, 2001 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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