by Stephen King
Scribner, March, 2002.
Hardcover, 459 pages.
ISBN: 0743235150

Although it is nothing unusual to have your skin crawl as
you read a Stephen King story, this latest short story
collection from the horror master is seems especially
designed to scare the daylights out of the reader.
Introductory paragraphs provided for some of the stories work to
pull the reader even further into the tale, making for
a more intense reading experience.
Whether or not this was intentional on his
part, King's latest stories are each unique and
delightfully frightening in their own way.
One of the standouts
of the collection is "Lunch at the Gotham Cafe,"
the story about a
luncheon meeting between two divorcing couples
and the wife's divorce lawyer that goes haywire
when an insane maitre d' goes ballistic with a
butcher knife. The maitre d' has definitely lost
it, but as Stephen King says in
his paragraph before the story about the divorced
couple, "In their own way, they're crazier than
he is. By far."
The cover and back illustrations are based on this
story. Another story, "L.T.'s Theory of Pets," is about
a married couple who give each other pets as gifts.
Unfortunately, the pets despise the person they are given to
and only care for the person that gave them away. So, they each
end up with each other's pet -- a situation which does
not work out too well.
Then there is "Everything's Eventual" (from the title
of the collection) which is about a teenager who can
kill people with words and symbols. "Autopsy
Room Four" relates the story of a man on the autopsy table about
to be cut open and examined -- while he's still alive.
The book also includes "Riding the Bullet," a tale
about a hitchhiker that gets a ride from a dead
guy, which was made popular through its
debut as an ebook in 2000.
Overall, this is an entertaining collection of King shorts.
In his introduction, King elaborates a little on the
short story writing
process. He says he is worried about the
genre, because magazines that feature short stories
are shutting down and fewer books containing short
stories are being published.
That being said, King certainly helps the short story market
simply by continuing to write them. Some of his short stories
have been made into successful films, such as
The Shawshank
Redemption. In support of the short story
format, King
recommends other authors' collections, including
Sam the Cat
by Matthew Klam and
The Hotel Eden by Ron Carlson.
also talks about his surprise over the extremely
high demand for the "
Riding the Bullet" ebook.
He said he was mobbed at airports and was bombed
with requests to appear on talk shows. Does his
ebook success mean he knows the secrets to
epublishing? Maybe -- maybe not. He and his
publishers probably do have quite a bit of marketing
know-how, but that doesn't matter to the reader. What does
matter (to the reader) is that he tells tales that
interest and entertain them.
Stephen King
does it here again in
Everything's Eventual. Enjoy.
Everything's Eventual: 14 Dark Tales is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the April, 2002 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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