by James Diaz, Melanie Gerth and Francesca Diaz
Scholastic, June, 2003.
Hardcover, 10 pages.
ISBN: 0439524636
Ages 4-6

Kids love things that move, especially cars, trains,
trucks, tractors and boats. This book, with its
cute pictures of vehicles, and interactive features
like lift-up flaps, touch-and-feels and pop-ups will
definitely appeal to all the world's young engineering
minds. The large, colorful drawings show each
vehicle in action: the cement truck is pouring
cement, the tow truck is giving a car a tow and
a train is on the tracks. From engine to caboose,
all of the parts of the train are shown. This colorful
interactive book also
provides educational value by asking the young
reader questions like "What loads dirt in trucks?"
The answer, "Dump Truck," is provided
underneath a flap which kids can lift after
trying to first guess the answer from looking at the pictures.
The last two pages feature a huge pop-up
of an adorable dog dressed as a train engineer.
This section of the book lets children sort cards
with the pictures of vehicles on them into the appropriate
slot, for more educational fun. The movable parts of the book are made
of high quality paper, so parents won't have
to worry about their kids breaking or tearing
them after the first or second reading. Kids will
be able to read and play with
Things That Go time and time again.
My First Jumbo Book of Things That Go is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the September-October, 2003 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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