by Alan Dean Foster
Del Ray, November, 2003.
Hardcover, 272 pages.
ISBN: 0345450388

Empathic telepath Philip Lynx, known as Flinx to his friends, is still on the run from the authorities who would love to get their hands on his talented, engineered brain. With only his Alespinian minidrag Pip for company,
Flinx leads a rather nomadic existence, traveling in his advanced starship which was a gift from the mysterious and technologically advanced viru-ujurians. Flinx is searching for answers about his unique gifts, which give him excruciating headaches. And recently, his powers have
started showing him a vast, totally evil entity which is slowly moving towards the worlds of the Commonwealth. Flinx heads to the planet of New Riviera to visit his old flame,
Clarity Held. But relaxation is hard to come by on the paradise planet of New Riviera. Clarity's boyfriend is a psycho who tries to murder Flinx. But he'll have to get in line, as a group of assassins known as the Order of Null want Flinx eliminated so he can't play a role in the coming confrontation with the alien entity.
The Pip and Flinx series is the fun, lighthearted space adventure series at its best. The multi-talented Foster, who can write everything from hardboiled detective novels to pure SF, knows how to spin a good yarn which will keep fans coming back for more. So what's the appeal of
this popular series? There is plenty of action and adventure, it's true. But ultimately, it is Foster's ability to create fascinating characters and his skill at creating the future world of the Commonwealth that put Foster at the top
of so many readers "Must Buy" lists.
Flinx's Folly is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the November-December, 2003 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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