by Barbara Ann Kipfer, Ph.D.
Writer's Digest Books, January, 2002.
Trade Paperback, 693 pages.
ISBN: 1582971404
Flip Dictionary is not a true dictionary in the sense
that it does not have complete definitions and pronunciation
keys. However, its design makes it incredibly useful for editors
and writers. It is more like a thesaurus -- each listing in the
dictionary includes references to words with
a related or similar meaning (like synonyms). For example, if
you look up the listing for writers it says: author, biographer,
calligrapher, columnist, composer, copyist, correspondent,
composer, etc. People can "flip" back and forth through the dictionary
as they discover related words and phrases.
This can be helpful if you know the word you want to use,
but you are drawing a mental blank.
You can simply look up a word with a similar meaning and
see if the word you want is listed
next to it; if not, you can "flip" around some more until
you locate it.
Flip Dictionary is better than
a thesaurus in that it
also contains numerous tables with related subjects and words.
For example, look up combat sports and you will see
a table listing aikido, boxing, fencing, savate, wrestling
and many other combat sports.
Flip Dictionary was compiled by lexicographer
Barbara Ann Kipfer, who holds a master's and Ph.D. in
For professionals such as editors, librarians and writers
who quickly need to find a particular word, the
Dictionary is a terrific tool.
Flip Dictionary is available for purchase on
Note: We may receive a commission from sales made through product links in this article.
This review was published in the June, 2002 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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