by Laura Lemay
Sams, March, 2001.
Trade Paperback, 834 pages.
ISBN: 0672320770

This reference acts as an introduction to
web publishing, covering everything from
creating and uploading webpages, to formatting
webpage text to including multimedia on your
website. Other concepts covered include:
links, tables, web graphics, frames, web forms,
style sheets, promotion and website maintenance.
Noted web programming author Laura Lemay
strikes again with this handy web publishing
introductory reference. This updated edition
of earlier web publishing how-to books
includes instruction on
XHTML, style sheets, dynamic HTML, usability and
other more recent
web publishing subjects. As always, Lemay's
references help readers obtain a solid grasp
of the subject matter. Lemay also provides
information about what makes a good web
page with examples of good websites --
advice which if taken by the reader should
lead to an overall better design. Highly
recommended for web publishing novices.
Web Publishing with HTML and XHTML in 21 Days is available for purchase on
Note: We may receive a commission from sales made through product links in this article.
This review was published in the April, 2001 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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