If High School is a Game, Here's How to Break the Rules
Delacorte Press, April, 2001.
Hardcover, 163 pages.
ISBN: 038532796X
Ages 12 and up

The author has arranged her book into ten truths which range from Truth #1: Your Body Will Change, to Truth #10: Adolescence is the Tunnel to Your Future. Interspersed throughout each chapter are quotes from people that teens admire. There are quotations from everyone from Bill Gates to Olympic Gold Medalist, Sharon Miller. But the most helpful features of the book are the lists of options for given situations. All possibilities are considered and evaluated without emotion. For instance, the checklist for evaluating something one wants to do begins with "Am I choosing this to please someone?". It ends with "Am I choosing this for my highest goal in the big picture?" Checklists run through chapters one through ten, and the questions will help young people -- who may not have a great deal of life experience or self-knowledge -- focus on their behavior and the consequences of those behaviors. As a matter of fact, self-knowledge will most definitely be one of the results of reading Dr. Carter Scott's book.
Getting the wisdom of If High School Is a Game, Here's How to Break the Rules into the hands and minds of teenagers may be a challenge. Guidance counselors should keep it carefully hidden in a desk drawer, and parents who need coaching in how to respond to situations without eliciting slammed doors and teenage sullenness should no doubt keep their copies hidden. One must hope, however, that the teenagers will find this book first, and keep it carefully hidden from the prying eyes of adults. After all, wouldn't it be fun to outsmart the system and come out serene and confident, thus surprising and impressing everyone? One has to hope that the teenagers find this subversive book first and use it as a formidable weapon for navigating the minefield known as the All American High School.
--Sarah Reaves White
If High School is a Game, Here's How to Break the Rules is available for purchase on Amazon.com
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This review was published in the April, 2001 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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