Incubus Dreams
Berkley, September, 2004.
Hardcover, 658 pages.
ISBN: 0425198243

There must be quite a bit of Laurell K. Hamilton in the strong-willied Anita Blake. Hamilton is not one to bow to the wishes of the mainstream. In a recent interview she explained the high sensuality quotient in the series: "In my books, the reason the eroticism is so high is that people in the publishing industry were disturbed by erotic content. Not for its own sake, but because I was a woman writing from a first-person woman's point of view. Had I been a man, they would have been okay with it. The erotic content has risen because they told me it shouldn't only because I am a woman writing about a woman. It's what my grandmother calls being contrary." It is that contrariness that makes Ms. Hamilton such a compelling writer. Her imagination, passion and love for her characters shine through on every page. A unique and powerful heroine and the the macabre atmosphere make for a gripping story with characters you certainly won't find anywhere else. And that's what makes this series so addictive.
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This review was published in the September-October, 2004 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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