by Jamie Lee Curtis, Illustrations by Laura Cornell
Joanna Cotler Books, September, 2004.
Picture Book, 40 pages.
ISBN: 0060080957
Ages 4-8

Ah, the perils of being five! The little boy in Jamie Lee
Curtis and Laura Cornell's new book would prefer
to be dirty, not wait his turn, and bite the boy next
to him who cut in line. But being five means a major
change: going to school, which requires mastering the
art of self-control. "It's hard to be five. It
takes Superman skill. Sitting in circles. Sitting so still."
The precocious five year-old must learn to say please
and thank you, and wash his face -- the illustrations conveying
the young narrator's conviction that his parents are overly
obsessed with the cleanliness of his face.
But there are fun things about being five, too "I walk to
karate. I walk with closed eyes. I walk like a ninja chopping
bad guys." Laura Cornell's vibrant watercolors are full of
emotion and energy, and they reflect the
chaos that is a group of five year-olds, especially
when there seems to be a lack of adult supervision. This is
a wonderful addition to Ms. Curtis' growing body of children's
books, which present an optimistic view of the world, while
pointing out those little challenges that we all face along the way to
It's Hard to be Five: Learning How to Work With My Control Panel is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the September-October, 2004 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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