Louisiana Hotshot
Forge, May, 2001.
Hardcover, 320 pages.
ISBN: 0765300583

We first met the vibrant Talba in 82 Desire, one of the books in the popular Skip Langdon series. Now Talba has a compelling new series of her own. At the same time that Talba is investigating the the mysterious Toes, she also is investigating some very disturbing memories which are surfacing from her past. Talba's mother, Miz Clara (who is eccentric, funny and despairs of Talba ever becoming something respectable, like president of the U.S.) absolutely refuses to talk about Talba's father, who left them years ago. Set against the colorful and rich culture of New Orleans, Louisiana Hotshot is a fast-paced, captivating mystery with absolutely delightful characters that readers are sure to want to see more of.
--Claire E. White
Louisiana Hotshot is available for purchase on Amazon.com
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This review was published in the June, 2001 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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