by Luke Welling and Laura Thomson
Sams, March, 2001.
Trade Paperback, 867 pages.
ISBN: 0672317842
PHP and MySQL Web Development is a comprehensive
resource which covers PHP and MySQL,
two web development tools that
work well in tandem for
managing and creating web databases.
Readers are introduced to PHP,
a server-side scripting language, and MySQL,
a relational database management system. Readers are instructed
in the basics and then taught
how to use PHP and MySQL together to
develop powerful Web applications.
The book provides thorough coverage of
how to set up, manage and run a MySQL database,
including instruction about how to use PHP to
access and update the database from the Web. The book
also provides coverage of ecommerce and security
issues, and implementing authentication and
secure transactions with PHP and MySQL.
The last section of the book includes instruction and code for
building several applications from the
ground up, including web forums,
a user password section, mailing list manager,
discussion forums and a shopping cart. This is a
top-notch reference for programmers using PHP and
MySQL. Highly recommended.
PHP and MySQL Web Development is available for purchase on
Note: We may receive a commission from sales made through product links in this article.
This review was published in the May, 2001 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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