Prophecy: Child of Earth
Tor, August, 2001.
Paperback, 800 pages.
ISBN: 0812570820

The Rhapsody trilogy is a powerful and moving fantasy story which has music woven throughout the story. In this universe, music can be magic, as can the ability to name things by their true names. The three companions are an unlikely combination, and the interaction between the always rude Achmed, the eternally optimistic Rhapsody, and the gruff Grunthor is always entertaining. Haydon skillfully takes the reader from the heights of joy to the thrills of adventure as the story plays out. This is a lengthy tale (eight hundred pages) and it's worth every minute you'll spend reading it. Part fantasy, part mythology and part romance, this series crosses genres effortlessly; readers will be happy to fall under the spell of Elizabeth Haydon. Highly recommended.
Prophecy: Child of Earth is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the September, 2001 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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