by Alan Dean Foster
Del Ray, June, 2001.
Hardcover, 327 pages.
ISBN: 0345418670

Phillip Lynx (or Flinx) is human, but he was raised offworld.
A product of banned genetic experimentation by the
Meliorare Society, he has hidden from the
authorities all his life. His unusual abilities such as
telepathy and empathy are starting to take a toll on
him; he has increasingly painful headaches. So Flinx
and his pet mini-dragon, Pip, head to Earth to find
out more about his past and his genetic makeup.
On Earth, Flinx manages to trick a sophisticated AI
program into revealing classified information about the
Meliorare Society. Barely one step ahead of the authorities,
he manages to get offworld to follow the trail given to him
by the AI before he had to leave the top secret installation
in a hurry. The trail leads Flinx and Pip into Aann space,
a place ruled by a hostile reptilian race. But Flinx has
more to deal with than the Aann. He's about to meet up
with one of his worst nightmares from his past: and
she's clearly going to be nothing but trouble.
It's been five long years since fans have been able
to enjoy another adventure in the Commonwealth
Reunion is a fast-paced, light-hearted adventure
which is over all too soon. Flinx finds out much more about his
origins in this book, and his powers seem to be growing.
Alan Dean Foster has a deft hand with dialogue, an imaginative vision of
future worlds and his sly wit makes for very enjoyable reading.
Let's hope that it's not another five years until we find out what
happens next.
Reunion is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the September, 2001 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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