by Alan Dean Foster
Del Rey, November, 2005.
Hardcover, 255 pages.
ISBN: 0345461592

Philip "Flinx" Lynx and his pet mini-drag Pip have had some amazing
adventures to date, but
after their last outing (
Sliding Scales) Flinx is wary of
so-called "vacations." Now he's searching for a super weapon left behind
by an advanced species which can help him in his upcoming fight
against the great evil that
he empathically senses is heading towards the Commonwealth and could wipe out all living things. But Flinx encounters an unplanned delay when his AI-enhanced spaceship Teacher informs Flinx that she must immediately stop to make repairs. They land on
a planet, intending to hide from the primitive inhabitants because of the Commonwealth's
prohibitions against interacting with less-advanced species. The aliens on the planet
are very appealing to Flinx: like him, they are empathic. Being around them
is calming to him, because they don't trigger the bad reaction he gets from being
surrounded by the unfiltered emotional bombardment he gets when he's around
most humanoid species. Although he should
know better, Flinx uses his advanced technology to heal the sick and injured
aliens, which turns out to be a big mistake. Soon he's being worshipped as
a God, and inciting a civil war on the planet. Flinx must find a way off the
planet as fast as possible -- but the aliens have no intention of letting their
new God leave.
Flinx's stay on the backward planet of Arrawd teaches him a valuable lesson:
that no good deed goes unpunished.
Although he's lived an amazing life so far, he is still quite young and impulsive
although he does have a good heart. The descriptions of a strange new
world and its inhabitants are fascinating, as are Flinx's answers to the dilemma
he's created for himself. Author Alan Dean Foster has several
more Pip and Flinx novels in the pipeline and has promised to explain very soon the
"great evil" that's coming towards the Commonwealth. That's nothing
but good news for Flinx fans, whose only complaints about the series have been
the lack of new books.
Running From the Deity is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the December-January, 2006 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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