Spellbound in Seattle
Love Spell, March, 2003.
Paperback, 309 pages.
ISBN: 0505525372
Subgenre: Paranormal

Spellbound in Seattle immediately throws the reader into a sexy, madcap comedy that is as entertaining as it is outrageous. Normally, it's best that a book start right in on the action, and leave the back story for later. But this is one case that proves the exception. The magical world is quite interesting, really, but it's confusing. A bit of explanation at the beginning of the book as to how the wizardry was discovered and how magic was eventually integrated into modern society would have been very helpful. But, that minor quibble aside, Garthia Anderson has a charming style and a good handle on dialogue. This is a series that has much potential.
Spellbound in Seattle is available for purchase on Amazon.com
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This review was published in the June-July, 2003 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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