The Cat Who Talked Turkey
Putnam, January, 2004.
Hardcover, 181 pages.
ISBN: 0399151079

Despite some rumors to the contrary, the cozy is alive and well, and "The Cat Who" series is one of the classics. There is a murder and a subplot involving the sleazy granddaughter of Edythe Carroll, a wealthy widow who has left her beautiful mansion to retired to the Ittibittiwassee Estates. Quill and the cats wrap things up nicely, and while doing so treat readers to more of the stories about the eccentric characters who populate Moose County. This is the coziest of cozies, with cats, gentle humor and a non-violent background that is a welcome diversion from the gore and terror so prominent in today's news.
The Cat Who Talked Turkey is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the March-April, 2004 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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