by Bob Reiss
Hyperion, September, 2001.
Hardcover, 323 pages.
ISBN: 0786866659
The Coming Storm covers the unusual weather
patterns and phenomena that have been occurring
since the 1980s and the belief of many scientists
that this is only the beginning of some catastrophic
weather changes. Global warming
is the focus of the book, and author and journalist
Bob Reiss does a superb job of describing the
origins, politics and science behind the concept
of global warming. Reiss, a former
Tribune reporter, details storms and weather
patterns that could be a result of global warming.
Reiss also explains what global warming could
do to Earth and details how even some people
and scientists who were skeptics at first
moved into the believer category.
The coverage of Al Gore's dedication and
attention to the problem of global warming is
also well-documented in the book.
Big oil companies' reactions and objections
to the concept of
global warming are also discussed, including
how some oil companies hired their own
scientists to create scientific documents disputing
global warming. Not all the energy companies
are ignoring the issue, however, and Reiss explains
what some companies are doing to help.
And of course there is plenty
of discussion of recent unusual severe weather
events, including droughts, floods and tornadoes,
as well as suggestions on where this may all be
Some of the many things in this book that will stay
with you are the severe storms that have struck
England, the chance that the Maldives and other
island countries
may go completely underwater within the next
fifty years, the spread of foreign, tropical
diseases into the U.S. because of increasing temperatures,
and the possibility that severe weather could upset
the leadership in third world countries, leading to
revolution and war.
The Coming Storm is
a well-written, exciting account of the
growing global warming concern and the
politics and science involved. Anyone interested
interested in the future of our planet should
read this book. Highly recommended.
The Coming Storm is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the Oct. - Nov., 2001 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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