by Alice Borchardt
Del Ray, October, 2001.
Hardcover, 480 pages.
ISBN: 0345443993

With the plethora of fantasy retellings of the
Camelot legend -- some good, some bad and some
indifferent -- one might think that the theme couldn't
possibly be rewritten in another interesting way.
Enter Alice Borchardt, author of
Night of the Wolf, The Silver
Wolf and
The Wolf King, and
the sister of bestselling novelist Anne Rice. Borchardt has been making
a name for herself, and this newest series is sure to
cement her reputation as a top-notch fantasy author
with formidable writing skills.
The Dragon Queen
is the first book of a trilogy which focuses on the life
of Queen Guinevere. But this Guinevere is no passive
beauty. She is the daughter of a mighty pagan warrior
queen, and she has the potential to wield great power
and magic. Spirited away as a baby
to save her from the evil wizard Merlin,
Guinevere is raised by a powerful Druid, Dugald,
Maeniel, a shape-shifting wolf/man and
a pagan woman of good family who is rescued by the
three from pirates. Guinevere will be tested by
means both practical and fantastic in order for her
to stake claim to her destiny to be Queen of the Dragons,
the wife of the noble King Arthur and to defeat those
who would stop her from pursuing her path.
From the moment little Guinevere is
dumped into a wolves' den as a tiny toddler,
she shows grace and courage. A complex
and intriguing character, Guinevere is
not one to be trifled with. Some readers will be
disheartened by the casting of Merlin and
Igraine as evil sorcerers who would do anything to
prevent Guinevere from marrying the courageous
Prince Arthur. But the re-casting of Merlin as the
Machiavellian advisor who tries to control young
Arthur's destiny provides some excellent plot
opportunities, of which Borchardt takes full advantage.
Her writing is lyrical and engrossing; she has created a
magical backdrop peopled with unusual and
compelling characters which should appeal both to
fantasy and romance readers alike.
--Claire E. White
The Dragon Queen is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the March, 2002 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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