by Bonnie Jacobson, Ph.D.
Rodale, June, 2004.
Paperback, 223 pages.
ISBN: 1579548695

If you are a shy single, then you have more company than
you might expect. About 50% of people in the United State describe
themselves as chronically shy, according to statistics cited
The Shy Single by Bonnie Jacobson, Ph.D.
Shy Single offers some excellent practical advice and psychological
insight into the problem of shy daters. Shy daters can
learn why they can't ask people out and have trouble with rejection.
Jacobsen also helps people learn the simple things people that seem to
have no trouble getting dates do. In a section called
Seven Habits of the Socially Fit, the author teaches tips like
smiling, how to entertain and using the Internet. Jacobson teaches
shy daters about overcoming shyness in situations such as asking someone
for a date, going on first dates and establishing a relationship. For shy
dates, the online singles scene may offer hope, and a section
in the book covers this new singles terrain. Shyness can hold you back
both in life and in the dating world, so understanding your fears
and following some of the suggestions in
The Shy Single could be a
great first step towards a more fulfilling life.
The Shy Single is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the July-August, 2004 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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