Time Rogues
Love Spell, January, 2005.
Paperback, 308 pages.
ISBN: 0505526212
Subgenre: Paranormal

Time Rogues has a great plotline for a time traveling romantic suspense novel. The dialogue is funny, and Mack is a likeable, interesting character. Ms. Austin could clearly write excellent science fiction; the plot really zings when the Time Rogues organization is front and center. Also well done are the scenes involving internal politicking for the directorship of the museum. Somewhat less successful are the interactions with the Dallas locals, such as the superfluous (and extremely annoying) Bubba. The sequence of events is at times confusing; some judicious editing would have helped immensely. If the flashbacks are deleted and the story told in a more linear and internally logical fashion in the next Time Rogues book, this series has the potential to garner a loyal following.
Time Rogues is available for purchase on Amazon.com
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This review was published in the January-February, 2005 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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