by Ben Forta, et al.
Sams, November, 2000.
Trade Paperback, 586 pages.
ISBN: 0672319462

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)
is a language designed to allow
programmers to develop content for
wireless devices, including wireless phones
and handhelds. This guide helps programmers
develop WAP pages (pages that can be viewed
with wireless devices) and scripts using
WML and WMScript. WAP pages are
similar to HTML and XML, but unlike
large webpages, each different screen
on the phone or wireless device is called a card.
Another difference is that with WAP pages
there is no set screen size. There are only
a couple screen sizes to worry about when
programming for the Internet, but with
wireless devices there are numerous sizes and screen
styles to consider. The concept of cards (WAP pages)
and decks of cards (sets of cards in a single
file) gives programmers a method for dealing with the
uncertainty of the screen size and a way
to set up user navigation. Other WAP
concepts introduced in the book include
using images, working with input, email integration,
timers, notifications and security. The reference
includes sample applications for a currency converter,
user directory, scheduling and ecommerce. An appendix
in the book includes a WML and WMLScript
reference library and the accompanying CD-Rom
contains device emulators (WAP browsers) and
third party editors and tools.
Developers that are familiar with both
HTML and XML will have an advantage,
because WML is based on those languages. Author
Ben Forta is excellent at explaining
programming languages through clear
instruction and sample code. Some of
Forta's previous books include
The Coldfusion 4.0 Web Application Construction Kit, Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes, Sams Teach Yourself HomeSite 4 in 24
Hours and
Sams Teach Yourself ColdFusion Express in 24 Hours.
Web developers ready to
provide content for wireless devices
will be publishing in no time with this
handy reference.
WAP Development with WML and WMLScript is available for purchase on
Note: We may receive a commission from sales made through product links in this article.
This review was published in the February, 2001 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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