by Eliot Pattison
St. Martin's Press, June, 2002.
Hardcover, 560 pages.
ISBN: 0312982178

Eliot Pattison's debut novel,
The Skull Mantra,
introduced an unusual new investigator to the
ranks of detective fiction. Shan Tao Yun
was once an esteemed investigator in Beijing, who
was sent to the Tibetan gulag after he refused to
drop a financial investigation which would have
been politically embarrassing to the Communist
party leaders. Tortured and starved, he only survived
his ordeal because of the help he received from the
imprisoned Tibetan
Buddhist monks he came to know and respect.
After assisting in an investigation, he was unofficially
released, and has been in hiding in Tibet in an Buddhist
sanctuary. In
Water Touching Stone, Shan is asked by the
monks to travel to northern Tibet to solve the mystery
of a murdered teacher, whose students are also being
murdered one by one -- some say by a terrible demon.
Shan agrees to the dangerous journey, and sets out with
an elderly lama, a young Kazakh woman, a bitter member of the
Tibetan resistance
and various other companions. Shan's journey takes him close
to the border with China, which is populated with the
Moslem Kazakh clans, known for their skills with and love
for horses, secret Buddhist monasteries, corrupt
Chinese officials, and Russian smugglers. His investigation
will involve much hardship, but he will discover
many wonders along the way.
The international news media virtually ignores the
sufferings of occupied Tibet. The Chinese government
rules the country with an iron hand, and is still
following a ruthless campaign to wipe out the
native cultures and religions of the area. The government
has even kidnapped and is holding the panchen lama --
the person who will lead the search for the next
reincarnation of the Dalai Lama, after the current lama
Eliot Pattison uses this horrific background to
create a fascinating mystery series. Pattison uses his
considerable skills as a writer to shows the
beauty and mystery of Tibet, and the fierceness and
pride of a people who have been brutally subjugated
by a corrupt and utterly evil government.
This is an outstanding and absolutely fascinating
mystery series.
Water Touching Stone is available for purchase on
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This review was published in the October - November, 2002 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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