Without Fail
Putnam, May, 2002.
Hardcover, 384 pages.
ISBN: 0399148612

Without Fail moves Jack Reacher onto the national stage, as he goes head to head with assassins unknown and attempts to save the life of the second most important man in Washington. Reacher is still a bit of an enigma, but we learn a bit more of his back story in this book. Reacher is more than competent; his gift is seeing things that no one else sees. From the halls of the Secret Service offices to a Thanksgiving Day homeless shelter to the wilds of Wyoming, the book provides plenty of fascinating backgrounds as it clearly exposes the incredible difficulty of protecting a public figure from assassination. Lee Child presents us with a fast-paced, thrilling suspense novel which should vault to the top of the bestseller lists with ease. Highly recommended.
--Claire E. White
Without Fail is available for purchase on Amazon.com
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This review was published in the July-August, 2002 of The Internet Writing Journal.
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